I'm shocked to what happened in the run up to the UMNO general assymbly which this year will feature the party election.Firstly,UMNO vice president Ali Rustam,had been bared by the UMNO disciplinary council for allegedly money politics.I'm not shocked that he was involve(although indirectly) in money politics as there has been persistent rumour that he is a corrupt leader.However the shocking part is that UMNO has finally taken the first step to combat corruption after so long that corruption has been assimilated to the system in UMNO.Congratulations to UMNO especially the disciplinary board lead by Tengku Rithaudeen for a job well done.However the question of fairness must be asked.How come Khairy only received a warning where as Ali Rustam was barred from contesting the UMNO election when the committed the same crime.Although explanation was given that the degree of crime was different,but to me,no matter how corrupt you are,you are still corrupt no matter what degree the corruption is.
Then there is the clearance of Khir Toyo,whose track record of running the Selangor state government was filled with corruption(according to the current Selangor administration by Pakatan Rakyat) and malpractice.I don't need to tell what he committed as you can refer to my article Anwar Ibrahim's message to find out a few of the corrupt practices and malpractice.I wonder whether a complete investigation on all affairs,not just party affairs was done.These is important as people like Khir Toyo who is (according to the PR led Selangor government) corrupt shouldn't be in the political world as Malaysia need clean politicians to lead not corrupt ones.It just shows UMNO's lack of political will to say no to any form of corruption whether it is committed inside or outside UMNO(eg government,corporationNGO'S or etc).This will effect their chances of true reform as just like cancer,the whole cancerous tumour must be removed not just the parts that have reached dangerous level as the cancer may return if done otherwise.The same principle applies to UMNO,it must get rid of all corrupt leaders,not just these level of corruption and not that.
Finally,there is the unshamefull act of returning to UMNO and contesting high post of corrupt individuals after being found guilty of money politics such as the deputy president candidate,Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib and vice presidential candidateTan Sri Isa Samad.These people should not returned to politics as they are just like a tumour being removed being placed back in the cancer patient.It is stupid that UMNO should accept them let alone support them in their bid for top post.UMNO shouldn't accept them and other political parties should also do the same unless they can prove their innocence.These people will kill UMNO just like the returning tumour killed the cancer patient,so make sure they don't returned unless you want UMNO to be dead,which is a good news for the long time opposition parties.
I would like to see how our incoming PM Dato Sri Najib Razak seriousness in combating corruption beginning with the cabinet selection.Corrupt individuals should not be made Minister or deputy Ministers,so I'm hoping that the names mentioned above and other corrupt individuals will not be seen in the cabinet lineups,even deputy minister included.If the names can be seen,then it is the obligation of all Malaysians to kick out UMNO and BN during the next general election as we Malaysians have no compromise in integrity because we want Malaysia to move forward corruption free and be proud to pass this corrupt free country to the next generation that will share our proudness to the whole world.
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