The member of Parliament of Puchong Gobind Singh Deo had been suspended by Parliament yesterday by a voice vote.The reason is for calling the Deputy Prime Minister,Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak a Murderer,alleging that the murder of a mongolian women has something to do with Najib.Well, I am a believer of the concept of "Innocent until Proven Guilty",so I am not going to accuse Najib of having an involvement with the murder,however,there are certain things that remains unanswered to the public.One of them is the statuary declaration made by a private investigator that was letter retracted.That first declaration claimmed that Najib was involved in the murder.He claimed that the declaration was made under duress,so that why he retracted it later.Of course that happened after he mysteriously disappear so who " kidnapped" him?The government,the opposition,Who?
Besides, that,there is the allege involvement of Najib's adviser,Razak Baginda in that murder case.It was a known case that the mongolian women was involved with the military dealings of the Malaysian government(Najib was then the defence minister) ,then,according to rumours,the two have a close relationship(Razak and the mongolian women),and the claim by the murdered women father,that the only Malaysian that her daughter knows is Razak Baginda.So that brings us to the next question,what is the motive of the two police officers,that prompted the murder of the women as they do not know each other?Question2,what about her role in the dealings,how much money that she suppose to receive,and did she receive it(there are claims that she asked Razak for money?).
Then,there is the fact that according to rumours,the bomb used in the murder was the C4 bomb,allegedly from the ministry of defence.Question3,how that the two police personnel got hold of the bomb,when it is suppose to be for the military not policemen.And again,there is the ministry of defence connection,Najib as the then defence minister should answer this question in parliment and to the public at large.
Finally,there had been blog postings that claimmed a french newspaper Libertarian(I'm not sure about the spelling) story that Najib was indeed involved in the murder case(although indirectly).Question4,why didn't Najib sue this newspaper?I will if some paper accuse me of something I did not do,unless I did do it or have something to hide.
So,as the incoming PM,I believe Najib has an obligation to explain this allegation to the public.The action to suspend Gobind is a blow for Najib as he can use that momment to explain everything,suspending Gobin has now been perceive by me,maybe indeed Najib have something to hide,as the suspension for one year is to harsh if the reason is mere harsh word(murderer) unless there is that fear that he might used the MP immunity to demand that Najib answer his question,that will lead to the truth being revealled.The Parliament is the place where you can find the answers as there is that immunity,democracy means freedom of information-freedom to know the truth.So the rakyat must demand the truth as an innocent man might be hanged,the justice for a slain woman lost and the reputation of the Malaysian people is at stake if indeed our incoming premier is involved in the murder case,Malaysian would be seen as a people who didn't mine that they are lead by a murderer or involved in one.I hope that Najib will answer the questions so that he can be a PM we all can be proud with.
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