I was reading MalaysiaToday article titled "My Name is RPK and I'm no Prostitute",and I was left wondering about one thing:who would he like to be Malaysia's PM.He seems to be in favour of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, then a press statement quoted him as saying he and other PR leaders should step down.Anyway in that article he mention that he had found respect for Mahathir and Mahathir called him his boy.Furthermore in the book March8:The day Malaysia woke up,he said that he would picked Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as his choice for PM.
This is interesting as he got a lot of adoring fans,reading MalaysiaToday,searching for answer to Malaysia's most pressing problems are probably wondering and confused by his many statement.They want to support who Raja Petra supports but they seem to be kept on the dark about this issue.So what is the problem then,decide yourselflah,however they seem to want to be involved in Raja Petra movement for change,but he is not running for PM(I recommend he form a party and compete in the political scene),so who he feels fit to be the PM in this movement of his as we need a leader to led the country and he is not offering himself will be in the minds of his supporters(Bodoh punya Raja Petra,siapa dia sokng pun tak nak beritahu,sampai penyokong dia semua ble) as they want to elect as PM the individual whom the movement endorsed.
Now let us be hypothetical a little bit,assuming he endorsed Anwar as PM then total undividded support must be given by him so that it is clear to the supporters who he is supporting so that the intergration between Anwar-led Pakatan Rakyat can joint forces with Raja Petra to fight against a stronger UMNO and BN under in coming PM Dato Seri Najib Abdul Razak.But lately he has been condemning the Pakatan Rakyat and that does not augur well with Pakatan Rakyat supporters who is wondering whose side is he on?
Then,there is Mahathir.Well he is to old to be PM but not the de facto PM,the one running the show behind the scene(or at least telling or advising Najib what to do) as rumours persist that Najib will hire him as adviser to help the government.In must be noted that this is exactly what is going on in Singapore with Lee Kuan Yew.Despite being the PM, Goh Chock Tong was ask to step down as PM to make way for Lee's son who is the current PM,even though Lee is not the PM although he held a post in the government(maybe it was the minister mentor).Will Raja Petra like that,well he is a stauch supporter of Anwar during his disposal as Deputy PM and a critic of mahathir,but time will heal all wounds,hmmmm.
After that,there is Tengku Razaleigh,whom he said is his favourite pick to be PM as he has no baggage,he claimed.However there is a problem with that idea,Ku Li(as he is fondly called) is an UMNO member,the party in which Raja Petra is totally against(it is my perception from his writtings as he had never personally or publicly told his supporters which party he supports),so the only way for the movement to make Ku Li the PM is to for the supporters of the movement to join UMNO,get yourself chosen to be the delegates,and in the next general assembly elect and help Ku Li win the presidency(least likely to happen)or we can depend on the rumours that Najib will not be chosen as PM, instead a unity government will be formed and Ku Li will be the choice to lead the government.Where is the new government going to dump Anwar then,he's the opposition leader and his party has the most MP seat among the opposition.Well just don't tell Anwar about that plan shhhh.
Finally,maybe Raja Petra got other plans,I don't know,formed a new party and stand in the election,join UMNO and challenge Najib for the presidency,join PKR and challenge Anwar for the presidency,cooperate with other opposition parties to elect him as the new opposition leader(he must be an MP first,but we can figure out what to do later,look at Anwar,at first he was not a MP at first that did not stop him)or other plan that he got under his sleeve.
Anyway,hypothetical aside it is time that Raja Petra make clear his plans to bring his supporters out of the dark as he is an important figure of the movement.His support will make or break the individual mention or at least make their life tougher.Raja Petra support is important to make Malaysia a better place there must be clarity on the movement what is to be done to achieve the movement objectives.Without that the movement(I think it is the people's movement,People's party whatever) is just a blind movement that will destroy the chances of the individuals trying to make real change, to make this country the best that it can be for all Malaysians and the future generation.
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