In the Bukit Selambau by-election,there will be 15 candidates,where13 are independents,is history making indeed,as this is unprecedented,13 candidates independents WOW! Either the people are tired of both BN and PR and thinking that they might better off without a party,or they are just power crazy as some of them are the candidates not chosen by PKR.
Anyway this is good development for Malaysian politics as being independent mean that your agenda can and should be 100% the people's agenda and not the party's agenda.This way,it's easier to raise issues concerning the people especially in their constituency without being tied by party rules and agenda.This is a step forward for Malaysian democracy that is diminishing day-by-day beginning with the Perak takeover by BN where the fate and the wishes of the people was betrayed by few individuals.
Furthermore,the independent,if elected can chose workers and helpers that want to contribute irrespective of party affiliation,maybe starting a standard to the political parties to stop the practice of political discrimination.We can disagree on certain things but in the end of the day,if we are mature,we don't to discriminate the other party such as putting them behind bars,not allowing them to held ceramahs and other political discriminatory practices.
Besides that,the example set by these independents hopefully can inspire more Malaysians to that are dissatisfied with their representative whether parliamentary level or state,to make things right(with whatever they are dissatisfied with) and stand for election,campaign and maybe win.This empowerment will great way to encourage active citizenry in Malaysia,where if something is not right,fix it,not deepend on the politicians or NGO's wholeheartly.
Finally,a final message to these independents,you must be sincere in your decision to stand in the by-election,sincere to serve the people,not for money,power,or to show dissatisfaction to the party for whatever reasons.Try to bring positive chang to the livelihood of the people in your constituency and beyond.Use the advantages you gain as an independent,advantages suchas having the power to serve the people without being tied by political agenda and party rules.If not,you are just destroying the chances of those candidates who are truly interested to improve the livelihood of the people and bring positive changes along the way.Remember,you can always tell and demand the truth as sometime these political parties will try to fool us.Good luck independents!
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