I believe that the best way to solve this debacle is to give power to the people to solve their own problem. By calling for the dissolution of the assembly to make way for a state-wide election is the only way the people can do so.
The People of Perak have a good chance to judge which government is best for them as they went through both Pakatan and Barisan administration, thus they will be able to judge which one is best for them. Both side of the political divide should do the honourable thing and advice the Sultan to dissolve the assembly and call for election. Both side seem to claim as the people champion with Pakatan Rakyat's Ketuanan Rakyat, Makhal Sakhti(people's power) and BN's One Malaysia, People first, and so on. But only one side is calling for the sate election to return the power to the people, the other seems to be avoiding it at all cost, hanging to power by hook or by crock.
It is unprofessional of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to say that the state election is an option but not a necessity as it is up to the Sultan to call the dissolution of the assembly as this statement seems to suggest that he is hiding behind the sultan in actual fact his side is uncommitted towards the state election being called, understandably so as his side has everything to lose while Pakatan has nothing to lose, but of course if BN truly put people first then let the people decide, or else it's motto is nothing more than an empty motto at best a lie at worst. We can excuse Najib if he's willing to met the Sultan and persuade him to call for a state election, after that it is all up to the sultan to do whatever he sees fit.
It is a sad they if the court will decide whose the rightful Menteri Besar and not the people of Perak. We claim to be a democracy but we seem not to practice it's ideal of "Government of the people, by the people, for the people". That 's the fundamental tenants of democracyin which without it our claim to be a democratic nation is a baseless claim as we have violated is fudamental principle.
I stand by many Malaysians especially Perakians in their call to return what is rightful to them that is the right to chose their government, the right that had been stolen from them when the trust to uphold their choice had been broken by the frogs that don't deserve to be called Yang Berhormat as nothing to hormat or respect from their evil deed of crossing over to the other side despite being chosen as a Pakatan assemblymen by the people. Let pray together that in Perak, that the legitimate government chosen by the people will emerge victorious over anything else that is stopping the real government chosen by the people.
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