Apparently our politicians simply love to play the money game, can't blame them since who among us who want to take the road less travelled, the treacherous road filled with obstacles and hardship, albeit at the end lies the satisfaction of reaching the destination with your values and pride intact, where as the other frequently travelled road is filled with everything but hardship and obstacles but the trade of is your values and pride. Politicians seem to favour the frequently travelled road, names like Isa Samad , Khairy Jamaludin, Ali Rustam and others seem to surface in our minds, however they somehow got stuck before reaching their destination.
Unfortunately if the allegation made by Aminah, the former PKR Penang women chief who is running in the Penanti by-election as an independent is true, then this touch n' go culture will rear it's ugly head in yet another party. Apparently this corruption culture is more contagious than the H1N1 Influenza virus as it has a global presence and spreads faster than the H1n1 virus. UMNO and BN used to be the only casualty as it's leader failed to administer the required antibiotics causing the disease to engulf the party until it received the wake-up call in March8 last year that the disease might caused the party to deceased.
Just last week the disease seems to strike the supposedly incorruptible party, the party that has the most superior antibody available to man, the antibody of absolute faith to religion, but that seems to falter to when accusation was made by an influential PAS leader that corruption has made it's way inside the party. Of course a sigh of relief is in order as they is yet prove to this accusation, it may well be a false alarm or misdiagnosis, whatever it is, we hope that the prophecy remains just that, a prophecy.
The hope that we will emerge victorious in our struggle against corruption have reached the climax and as the Pakatan Rakyat component party is fighting with this deadly disease we Malaysian can only hope and pray that the final line of defence will not falter leaving Malaysian defenceless to the dangers corruption can pose to society. Case studies of this can be seen in Mexico, Indonesia and other countries struggling to find it's way back to the overall development bandwagon. This cause it's worth dying for as the current generation of the above countries found out the hard way when their countries are being colonised by the have and the have not's are in a state of diaspora in their own country serving reluctantly their colonial masters.
Finally I called all Malaysian to reject corruption no matter what our race, religion and political beliefs are as the political parties in Malaysia is fighting a losing battle against it. Reinforcement is needed and it is no more the responsibility of the political parties and government to fight corruption as the disease had dismantle their defence and they are left vulnerable, they simply are not strong enough to fight alone, we have to join the fight and if we can stand united and stand our ground, we can obliterate corruption once and for all so that it's disastrous power will not turn our developing society into anarchy and forever destroy our people this generation and beyond. Let leave a clean and developed society to the next generation so that they will be proud of us.
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