Forget about the traditional theory of separation of power between the Executive branch, Legislative and the judiciary, there is a new sheriff in town called the police force, that's right the police. The police is now a force to be reckoned with as the political instability has caused both the legislative branch to be weakened as without the two-third majority, passing a bill is tougher now then pre- March8. Then the many scandals in the executive branch has caused the branch to be reliant on the police for cover ups and assistance, thus propelling the police as the real power in Malaysia.
As we can see in Perak, the police can just carry the speaker and throw him out of the state assembly even though he is the rightful speaker until he is voted out in the assembly which had been done with the help of the police. Then, the hunger strike, again it is the police that interrupted the planed strike to commemorate the death of democracy in Perak, what's wrong with Nizar and gang fasting, it is good for them health wise, and with Zambry confident that he is the rightful Mentei Besar and asking people to decide for themselves which one is right, so why is the need to stop the hunger strike?
Besides that, the candle light vigil, peaceful I might add, was also invaded by police arresting an MP and assemblywoman, just because of they are protesting about what occurred in Perak, so much for Najib's 1Malaysia concept which he recently said that social justice is one of the main thrust of that concept. The police force had also, according to Anwar, fabricated evidence against him in the sodomy case back in the 90's, so they are more powerful then the then Deputy Prime Minister, let alone some politicians.
A key contributing factor has been the declining of law and order here in Malaysia. The courts must be revive back to the glory days pre-the judicial crisis in the 90's, where the likes of Tun Suffian is credible enough to be chief judge not the likes of those chief judges involved in the Lingam tape scandal.
Besides that the media must be free and fair so that the police brutality can be known by the public at large. There had been bias reporting in the mainstream media justifying the police crackdown on the opposition when their action is against human rights as as stated in the Geneva convention every individuals has the freedom to their political beliefs and has the right to express it in the form of action, speech and other communication methods.
Finally, democracy must be allowed to bloom so that the people with power is directly accountable to the electorate, unlike the police who is accountable to their political masters who reward them not in their capability to protect the citizens from harm but by their loyalty in executing politically motivated actions that will preserve their political masters and cronies positions and interests and so on. One way we can achieve this is by setting up a committee in Parliament that compromise both side of the political divide whose responsibility is solely to manage the police force, so that any shortcomings must be bared by the committee members.
Towards the establishment of a police force that will keep us from harms way, it should be the ideal of all Malaysians as security according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one of our basic need.
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