The recent triple by-elections have shown us on thing, that is the political paradigm in Malaysia has shift from the old race-based to the unknown realm of voters sentiments.The reason being is that the normal voting patterns have change, reinforcing the call for change made in the 2008 General Election.The ruling Barisan Nasional coalition claim that the result in the last general election is the result of protest votes because of the dissatisfaction of the weak Abdullah premiership has been debunked as Abdullah is no longer the Prime Minister.Now more than ever the UMNO leadership must admit their mistakes and face reality.
We can look at two things first the non-malays votes.As we can see in the Bukit Gantang by-election PAS actually gained the majority of the votes.This is not the normal case as normally the non-malays votes tend to go to Barisan Nasional especially when the opponent in the other side is PAS,well not this time.It seems that Nizar brief stint as the Perak MB has convince the Chinese of the PAS capabilities in solving their outstanding problems such as the land title issue that Nizar settled,at least in the case of politicians from PAS that are professionals.
Then we can looked at the Malays voting patterns.The normal Malay voting pattern are normally effected by traditional sentiments but this time despite the claim that Nizar is a Chinese stooge and a traitor for disobeying the sultan by the BN, PAS secured considerable amount of Malay votes to eventually win the election.
This new paradigm offers hope to the improvement of our racially tainted democracy that we will one day transcend racial politics and would instead fight for justice, fairness,freedom,good governance and other good values that transcend race,religion and culture.Meanwhile we the voters have the obligation to maintain this kind of politics by not endorsing or responding positively to politicians who play by the old race-based politics.We should fight them to the end,and make sure their political carrers will be gone if the politiciand refuse to repent.ARE YOU VOTERS UP TO THE CHALLENGE OGF CHANGING MALAYSIAN POLITICS FOREVER?
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