Right now Malaysia is at a crossroad, a major crossroad. There is the debate on going now about the generation debate. What is it? Well it is debate about the direction that Malaysia has to take for a better Malaysian to emerge. There are two sides, one side is the status quo side, the side that side the government policies that are crafted and implemented after independence must be continued as Malaysianis not ready for major change, the other side is the change side, the side that is calling for change in Malaysia's policies even the sensitive one's.
I think it is imperative that we engage ourselves actively in this debate as this concern the direction of Malaysia meaning our fate lies in this debate outcome, which side will the Malaysian choose? Well let's discuss. Firstly in the debate is the role of UMNO and other race-based parties in Malaysia, the older generation is convince that without them in will spell the doom for the race there are representing, especially UMNO and the malay community which believe that the malay party fate is interwined with the Malay race, meaning without UMNO the malay race is finished as the malays can survive on their own
Secondly is the current state of race relations in Malaysia, the older generation believe that it is best that it remain the same that equality that is demanded by some political parties should best be avoided. The younger generation, is calling for equality and the unification of the races that will be called the Bangsa Malaysia. The issues in this part is the most sensitive of them all as the older generation says: How come the Bumiputeras is put on the same level as the bumiputeras, that is absurd, that will cause another May13, and frankly the younger generation is still in the dark on this issue so they can't find a viable alternative on this issue that can satisfy all the races.
Then, is the government economic policies, that had make the younger generation especially malays to be richer,more educated and have a better standard of living compared to the older generation. Surprisingly is the younger generation that is calling for a change in the economic policy as they claim that the economic policy create disunity,inequality and it has been abuse by politician to enrich their relatives and cronies in the name of affirmative action. The older generation says that it is that economic policy that brought us here, a stable developing nation.
Finally, there is the government domestic policies that claims to protect national security(internal) such as the ISA, the Press and Printing act, the University and University College act and so on. The younger generation is calling for the scrapping of these laws saying it abuse the civil rights of Malaysians and that it has been used for political mileage by the government. The older generation says no to that idea as their memories of the many race riots that happened in Malaysia in the 60's are still fresh and they don't want a repetition of the race riots now especially after progress had been made.
So, there you go, the debate that is still ongoing and the many issues raised will be the issues in the next general election that will decide the fate of this nation. While waiting for that day Malaysian should immersed themselves about the issues so that they can become an informed voter. I would like readers to take up the issues and if possible write them in their respective blogs so that the debate can take place by the masses rather than in open houses or functions as I said before this debate outcome is a matter of national importance as it will lead us to a new Malaysia no matter which side that we choose and once there it will be tough to turn back so choose wisely.
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*"Project od the Year" Lang Lebah** gas field development project is first
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14 Feb: Today couples a...
3 weeks ago
Thanks for dropping by man.
ReplyDeleteDidn't know you existed b4 this. Let me read your blogs and revert.