Of late, there has been a lot of confusion on issues that are of concerns to ordinary citizens. Ranging from the burning Bibles to water shortage in Selangor. Issues like those have been given the spin by both sides of the political divide. Some of the spin are ludacris bordering moronic. Yet some still believe in it. Weird.
However, to the citizens, why let spin define the issues? Why let the supremely bias mainstream media dictate the opinions of the mass majority? Why allow bloggers with political interests lie through their teeth, sweeping the real problems that need solution for the welfare of the people?
If you read most political bloggers, they are not writing objectively, they are writing party rhetoric, half-truths, spins and personal attacks. Some even use rude language. Although I'm partisan, I'm for the real thing, issue-based discussions, not the script written by party bosses. We are singing to their tune, singing their praise, paying them taxes and suffering due to their mistakes. So if there is the probabality that we will suffer, why are we letting them dicate the issues, we should dictate it shouldn't we? Or maybe we should be thier puppets and just follow the puppetmaster, well if I'm a politician, I will definitely love that.
This is causing them to misslead the discusion we ought to have as we ended up playing to their tune, publiczing their rhetoric, badmouthing possibly innocent personality, giving the wrong information to fellow Malaysians, drifting them away from the real issues by talking about the wrong things, a national barking at the wrong tree disease and worse, we might commit fitnah( slander) in the process. So we shouldn't let the politicians and thier army of bloggers dictate issues, we should.
So what is the solution, well, normal ordinary people, who are not on the payroll of either parties, who will not stand to gain favours from the politicians, should speak up and write. They should take advantage of technology where now everyone can write a blog, post a video on YouTube and so on. Hopefully, Malaysians can listen to the people who really face the problems and they only want solutions to it, not political diatribes or vitriol. Definitely not more rhetoric, we have plenty of those.
I would like to hear from experts on, say, the water shortage issue, who he himself lives in Klang Valley experiencing water problems, what is his take on the issue? Is Syabas to be blamed for, as explained by the Selangor state government, not reducing water leakages, of not honoring the concession agreement, or is the Selangor state government to be blamed for refusing to give the go a head for the Langat 2 Water Treatment plant. Or is there more to it.
What say the lawyers out there, the opinionated political pundits? Malaysians should listen to them, not just to the politicians, and definitely not to Syabas( as they are making a ton of money out of this agreement regardless). It is okay for the politicians to prolong this issue, they have the financial means and political clout to do so. But the people don't, and they end up suffering the most, just like the Malay saying "Gajah sama gajah bergaduh, pelanduk mati ditengah". Guess who is the pelanduk here. But surprisingly, it is the politicians that are making the most noise while they are enjoying their nice water supply. The suffering Rakyat are the ones that are silent on this issue.
The rakyat should organize themselves and tell all parties what they want, nationalize Syabas as proposed by Selangor state government(takeover)? Force the construction of Langat 2 as proposed by the government, or something entirely different. The Rakyat should let all parties know of thei wishes for this issue. And please don't say " saya berharap pihak-pihak tertentu akan menyelesaikan masalah ini" you have tried that years ago, and this issue is nowhere near " akan menyelesaikan masalah ini". The Rakyat must be more proactive. Forget about the NGO's that are "claiming to be neutral" to solve the problems, they are just politicians disguising as members of NGO's, they don't have your best interest.
This issue is just one example of many other issues I would like to hear from ordinary Malaysians. So that I can know the truth, not political BS that dominates our discourse. I'm happy on the issue of Miss Listen3,( refer last posting if you are in the dark), many students came out with their opinions on the state of academic, intellectual and student freedom in this country. Malaysians will benefit from that as they are hearing it straight from the Cow's mouth and not some unscrupulous politicians that will say anything for their benefit.
We can do the same with other issues like the Teaching of Math and Science in English. Let us bring forward students who are struggling with their studies due to the language difference at overseas tertiary institutions as claimed by the proponent of it, and let us bring the rural people who will not do so well in the subjects due to the level of their English as claimed by those opposed to this policy and let us hear them out. They should write, speak up as they are there the ones that will sleep on the beds we make. So they should break their silence and say something so that Malaysian can gain insight from them and decide to support or reject the policy.
This is better than just listening to politicians who claim to champion the National Language but their children are sent overseas and have excellent command of the English language but not their national language or their mother tongue language. Why the Rakyat want to listen to hypocrisy?
So, in conclusion, let's the Rakyat, dominate the discourse of this nation. We shouldn't copy paste our positions on issues simply based on politicians or their bloggers. We listen to them. But most importantly, we listen to ourselves, our fellow Malaysians, that are true to themselves, Malaysians that want to see the country move forward, not just to score political points. We will dictate the issues, and they should respond accordingly, not the other way around. We the Rakyat are the masters, so we make it onto ourselves, the worth of a master. Don't be a master but behaving like a servant, they are the servant, not us. So when the politicians begin to do their thing, you not the que, tell them excuse me YB, I think you are trying to BS here..... A better Malaysia will definitely be created.
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