The Ketuanan Melayu issue certainly got the headlines currently with a few quarters calling an end to it like for it to be'' di bakul sampahkan"(thrown in the thrash) while others defended it. There are various reasons for these people stating their stand but my view is that what's more important is not the slogan but rather the actual state of the Malays in this country.
I will let the opportunistic politicians to fight for Ketuanan Melayu for it to stay or be replaced as deep down I'm convince most of them are uninterested about the real issue here and the Malays must survive and thrive regardless.
Firstly, the reason I state that this slogan is irrelevant is because you can yell and shout this slogan all you want, but the malaise of the Malays stays. The Malays will still be drivers, sewage workers and other low-paying jobs with or without the slogan. So, if one truly care about the Malays, I will rather ask all of us to focus on solving the problem of the Malays as with "Ketauanan Melayu", we are still the lowest in terms of income compared to other races, highest drug addicts and many more things that will shake any illusions about us being ''tuan".
If one is to study history of the dominant races like the Greeks, Romans, Jews and so on, they all don't rely on slogans to be successful, some of them are even a minority in the country. What brought them there is through instilling of values like love of knowledge, hard work, curiosity, emphasis on one survival and so on.
For example,the Greeks, enquiry into nature brought them the gift of philosophy that created a comparative advantage for them against other races as they use philosophy to create better individuals, society and country. Therefore, their advantage lies in their minds, not sloganeering. The way they carry themselves and govern themselves brought the Greek civilisation as the best in the world at one time, and all of these are because of their minds.
So the Malays, for them to be uplifted, must be willing to change their behaviours and more importantly, their thinking and start to act like a ''tuan" by instilling some good values and behaviours instead of behaving like a ''tuan" wannabe but incapable of showing their worth as a ''tuan".
Secondly, the slogan has long been misused by certain quarters calling on for the Malays to be protected as ''tuan" with economic benefits while the same quarters work with their non-Malays counterpart to ''steal" the so-called economic benefits for themselves. Many of these Ali Baba businessesman make millions doing nothing just because he or she is a Malay with contacts to the powers that be that can give him or her lucrative contracts.
I believe that is unethical as the ones deserving that contracts are the hardworking Malays despite the lack of the right know-who. These heinous act is protected under the guise of ''Ketuanan Melayu" and Malay poverty but the rich Malays and their rich non-Malays partners are the ones that gains the most.
Furthermore, it has also been misused by politicians who yelled the''Ketuanan Melayu" slogan for their political gain while using that as a way to excuse their corrupt practices, abuse of power and incompetence in governing. Some of these politicians even sell out to the Malays when they themselves are Ali Baba businessman or acted in ways similar to it. The Malays deserve better politicians representing them, but their fear of the other race due to the influence of these politicians cause them to be shackled by these phony ''pejuang melayu".
Real Ketuanan Melayu can only happen when the shackle is broken and the Malays are truly free from them and their patronage. For that to happen, Malays must first start to be independent and stop the dependency on the entitlements that they give to gain the support of the Malays as the entitlements as a whole pale in comparison to the riches, influence and power they receive.
Finally, I have never been a fan of symbols, illusions and superficiality. I prefer functionality as it is real and long lasting. The Malays are known for their obsession for symbols. Why else there are so much fuss about the waving of the keris being questioned or the fact that some suggest ''Ketuanan Melayu" to be deposed.
History can show how the colonial master made use of the Sultans in ceremonial function to trick the Malays into the illusion of power when in fact the colonial powers are the ones who have the real power. The Sultans acted merely as a symbol for the Malays to feel good. Hundreds of years later, one can wonder whether we truly has change as based on many events on how the Malays behave, the answer is unfortunately, no.
In conclusion, let us ignore these polemic of ''Ketuanan Melayu" and focus on solving the problem the Malays truly has like rampant corruption among the politicians, lack of economic power and so on. Values also must be instilled for the Malays. In my view, the most important value is making education important in the Malay mentality beside from the usual hard work, perseverance and so on.
If we are focus in solving our problems and instilling good values, then maybe we can truly live the ''Ketuanan Melayu" slogan no matter who is ruling the country or no matter where we are in the world without kidding to ourselves as the ''Ketauanan Melayu" in us are not superficial, rather they are real ''Ketuanan".
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14 Feb: Today couples a...
3 weeks ago
History can show how the colonial master made use of the Sultans in ceremonial function to trick the Malays into the illusion of power when in fact the colonial powers are the ones who have the real power.