I'm writing commenting on recent events where few PKR MP's left PKR and declared themselves independent MPs. I'm not happy with that particular development,however they say every cloud has a silver lining, I think I might be seeing the silver lining here even though preferably, I would like if they join back PKR as they have been elected on that particular party banner in the first place.
It's good for democracy when we have voices not being blocked by any party guidelines and so on, so I'm hoping that these independent MP's( there're 5 of them not linked to any party), can play that role of being the unfiltered voice of the people in Parliament as that role couldn't be played by other MP's due to constraints put forth by their political masters.
Some of these people can be considered a political maverick such as the fiery Datuk Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifli Nordin, and Zahrain Hashim who we should expect to be vocal on may issues affecting the rakyat albeit it may be restricted to their narrow political beliefs like Ibrahim Ali on his position of Ultra Malay or Zukifli Nordin on his conservative Islam stand.
I'm calling on these people to bring up all issues, rather it's the government wrongdoings or the opposition as only then can Parliament inform the people adequately on which side is better to govern. The media from both side should listen to them although it might be painful especially for PKR and Pakatan Rakyat's media but they can offer both side a wealth of information regarding the weaknesses of both the government and opposition, just like the revelation of Zukifli Nordin on the role and power of these little pharaohs in PKR that's undermining the democracy within the party.
This feedback can be used to rectify the weaknesses of BN and PR coalition, whether it concern party matters or state-national issues not to mention an independent barometer by the public to measure the two coalitions.
They can also be the voices of NGO's, Think Tanks or academic institutions whose information concerning Malaysia may not make it to the Parliament due to lack of political connections, they have findings going against the political masters or parties and so on. I heard that Zukifli Nordin is mulling the move of associating himself with an NGO whereas Ibrahim Ali is already the head of a Pro-Malay NGO called PERKASA.
This will allow greater participation of the people in the democratic space which will allow more ideas and suggestion to flow unfiltered to be considered by Parliament which if done properly without restriction from both sides, will be good for the country.
In conclusion, I hope that despite it being sad for me to see that our elected representatives have such a disrespect towards the trust given to them by the voters, I believe that if their are sincere in their justification of leaving the party for reasons that they feel are intolerable, then they should strive to better serve the people now since there's nothing to hinder them from doing so right now, no party restrictions and so on, they are free to do whatever necessary for their constituents, their values or beliefs and the country.
The people will know whether they are real fighters or mere talkers, it's time for them to be subjected by the ''talk the talk, walk the walk'' test as if you want to talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk. So to those independents MP's, I've heard a lot of talk, now's time to walk. So independents MP's, you all better start walking.
Fianlly, I would expect Zahrain and Tan Tee Beng to fight and contribute in the battle against dictatorship and abuse of power in Malaysia just like they did with Lim Guang Eng in Penang, Zukifli Nordin to fight for Islam and Ibrahim Ali, to fight for Malay rights irrespective of which party is doing the misdeed on those issues. I'll expect them being vocal, taking necessary action, contributing to these cause beyond just mere lip service and shouting slogans so on. It might be a blessing in disguise for everybody these MP's left( Ibrahim Ali is an independent from the very beginning), I don't know, only time will tell.
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