As the tittle stated above clearly shows, this article is about justice, not the typical notion of justice which involves courts, jurisdiction, laws and so on but it refers to justice in itself. Justice is beyond courts,jurisdiction and laws although they have a role to play in the delivering justice to the people.
Having said that however, we Malaysians must be aware that in the process of delivering justice, the system that ensure such delivery takes place is often tampered with by invisible hands that have their own agenda. Past cases can back my claim such as the unfair sacking of the then Chief Justice Tun Salleh Abas and the Linggam scandal that our judicial system is a mess and cannot be relied upon to deliver justice.
So, we as Malaysians should take heed on the admonition of the Chairman of The US Senate Foreign Committee, Senator John Kerry that Malaysia must ensure a fair trial for Anwar which he is entitled to as a Malaysians and a human being. The same goes with the issue of 50 Australian MPs who decried that Anwars trial is a mere political ploy to bring about his downfall, a sentiment shared by many including Malaysians, me myself included.
However the opposite happened when a group of people led by Khairy BN Youth and Ibrahim Ali Perkasa when amok infront of the Australian High Commissioner, telling them to respect our laws and not interfere with Malaysians internal matters.
In should be reminded as "Melayu Mudah Lupa'', that Malaysia had partake in many issues outside of our internal sphere like the Palestinian cause, Myanmar Military Junta atrocities and even cut diplomatic ties with South Africa due to their Apartheid policy. We did it because we want to have a foreign policy that are based on good conscience and moral values that we hope to spread in the international community whether or not the role we played was big or small nor did it brought the desired outcome or not.
We aspire to be a good member of the international community so when we see injustice, we act in whatever way possible to mitigate the injustice suffered by our fellow man and woman despite it being in some other country outside of our border as it is the right thing to do as a fellow human being.
So, Malaysians shouldn't buy into the argument that this foreign countries are meddling in our internal affairs, trying to challenge our sovereignty and if one is jingoistic trying to colonise us, rather we should evaluate the logic of their move as a concerned global citizen and put ourselves in their shoes as their action towards us is also our action towards other nation suffering from injustice. We should know that their action was simply a friendly advice.
We should protect our sovereignty however we must first know what is sovereignty in the first place and do not mix them up with international community playing a role in the spread of justice for everyone everywhere.
In conclusion, Malaysians must ensure that our government give a fair trial towards Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and that the court is impartial to the fact that he is the opposition leader. At stake is not only our international stature in the world eyes, but more importantly the already damaged credibility of our justice system that many Malaysians believed is bias and is a weapon used by the government to ensure that their rule continues by hook or by crook that in their of the day will only deny Malaysians their entitlement towards justice and fairness that are necessities for a society to function in a civilised manner that we Malaysians deserve to have. It's a basic right and not a privilege, thus we are denied that right, it's within our rights as humans to fight for it at all cause until that right is given, not only for the present but also future generation.
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