Recently, as a PKR supporter, one cannot help to notice that PKR is in no shape to head the coalition that governs the country. The party seems to be in a state of disarray, confused and losing confidence in the leadership and the party's struggle. Recent outburst by it's MPs like Zukifli Noordin and Zahrain Hashim is prime example of the state PKR is in right now. Rumours have it that later is said to have some MPs to back him in supporting BN so that the BN will regained the 2/3 majority in Parliament allowing them to make constitutional amendments as it pleased.
Based on my personal observation, the main reason for the party current state may be because of the mixed political struggle that the members are carrying out. As we know, PKR mainly consist of UMNO, ABIM( Angkatan belia Islam Malaysia), PRM( Parti Rakyat Malaysia) former members and the liberal/reform minded individuals.
The wide array of political ideologies in PKR can be seen as UMNO beliefs in Malay agenda, ABIM beliefs in an Islamic agenda, PRM beliefs in Socialist agenda and of course the liberals/reformist belief in liberal and reform agenda. So the former members are bringing their former party's struggle inside PKR causing such friction to take place which lead to PKR's current state of disarray causing confusion on what PKR trully stands for.
My suggestion is that PKR purify itself by firstly:
1)Informing all members at all levels about what PKR truly stands for. It's primary objective must be communicated to it's members so the will know where PKR is taking them.
2)The struggle of their former party should be discarded and replaced with that of PKR. Failure to do so will lead to punishment.
3)Candidates that represent the party struggle should be fielded in elections, not the individuals that still carry their former party's ideology.
4)Just like a corporation must have a corporate culture, PKR should strive for one as the party's lack of it is causing cultures from their members former parties to take hold causing PKR to behave like UMNO and the rest, rather than having a distinctive code of behaviour that can be indentifiable and represents the party.
5) New members must be informed of what PKR stands for before admission and trained mentally and emotionally to breath the struggle of PKR.
6)Members who refuse to adhere to the party's struggle should be sidelined or kicked out.
That's the only way PKR can produce leaders that can carry out the party's struggle. Simply saying PKR is for reform is not enough anymore. Reform is such a subjective word. It has many meanings such as reform to a more hardcore malay nationalistic stand, Islamist reform and so on. So elaborating on what reforms PKR is fighting for will be essential for the party as it gives leaders, members and voters a sense of direction by identifying themselves to the party.
However, it's essential that PKR remain a party that beliefs in diversity in thought and action, meaning that despite your ideological leaning being difference from that of PKR, the party will still welcome you and value your input but you must respect the position of PKR as a whole so that PKR will not be heavily bias towards it's struggle to the extent that they become a radical party such as UMNO and their Malay Supremacy struggle.
By weighing in different views and courses of action, PKR will remain a party that strive for moderation despite having an ideology as a guideline to the party's struggle so that it's beliefs, actions and policies can be accepted by all Malaysians regardless of political beliefs and social positions.
Fianlly, I hope that PKR can settle this major problem besetting them so that the confidence of the members and voters not only in PKR but also Pakatan Rakyat can be restored. Only then can PKR talk about genuine reform in a clear cut manner without subjecting themselves to inhibition due to the concern of possible reactions from members and voters as members and voters know what to expect from the party. The call of Reformasi must go on nonetheless, as touted by many PKR and Pakatan Rakyat leaders ''Perjuangan Mesti Diteruskan", and by that I hope that indeed that is the truth.
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