It is annoying for me,every time I am listening to the radio,watching television,reading the newspaper or even enjoying the scenery of Malaysia,I end up stumbling upon this 1Malaysia advertisement 24/7. It is understandable that each motto or concept must be well communicated so that it can take of however that's only half the requirement for this concept to be a success,the other half is the actual implementation of policies that will make the concept a reality.
At the present state,there is no real policies implemented to make 1Malaysia a success. Without any significant change in policies,the massive advertisement of 1Malaysia will be a waste of money not to mention an apparent attempt by the government to distort reality and perception of the people or brainwashing. Of course brainwashing will work if Malaysia is a underdeveloped country,but unfortunately for Najib,Malaysians will not be fooled as although our mentality are not on par with those of the developed nation,we are certainly developing the mentality necessary to dissect the right from wrong which is a necessity for us to contribute to the development of our country.
Such policies which are missing to make 1Malaysia a success are the integration of our education system for starters. "Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya" is a wise proverb in which to instill racial harmony and understanding,it must start when one is still young,thus the importance of the role in which a school plays to national integration must not be neglected.
Besides that,a law should be implemented to make racial discrimination or even behaviour a crime.This will deter Malaysians especially politicians from using race to gather support but might upset the delicate social fabric if a race riot was to occur.Such law will ensure national integration and will create an environment of trust between the races as any act deemed racial discrimination can brought to court and action will be taken.
Of course beside the ones mention above,there are many more changes required to make 1Malaysia a success such as a political system that is not based on communal politics and so on. But right now, I will advice the PM to tone down on the annoying adverts and make an attempt to create substantive change by implementing necessary changes to make 1Malaysia a success,as that is where the focus such lie,not creating another 1Malaysia song that is painful to the ear and heart.
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