Well looking at the present is said to be an indication for what's coming in the future, so I ponder on the present to have a glance on the crystal ball what's in store for me in the future, so he we go. Firstly, a brief introduction about myself to determine the context I'm now in, I'm single, considers myself average in academic endeavour, my physique is also average , in exception for my bulging tummy, I'm unknown in my college and I love business and politics.
So judging by my present context bearing any changes, while I'm listening to Taylor Swift's Love Story, I foresee that I will graduate in an average university or probably a reasonably good one, then I will get a reasonable job, and live a reasonably normal live, hmmm BORING, then things take a 360 degrees change, I will start my business and after struggling for a few years, make it big time. Now my life is unique in the sense that in my 20s or 30s I'm already a multi-millionaire,wow that's is exactly what I wanted, hmmm I guess I will accomplish one of my dream. Of course because I'm totally absorbed with running my business, I'm still single, so satisfy my lust for women, I'll become a playboy, that easy as a lot of touchy-touchy but no commitment and you can get more than one woman, get it, with a lot of money, that will be no problem.
Now, in my mid-30s I will try to achieve success in politics, so I will join a political party, most likely an opposition party as in current context I'm leaning towards them. With wealth, I simply donate some of my wealth to the party, and that put me in good terms with party leaders and the grassroots, so I rise quickly in the party becoming the senior party leader and of course an MP for Serdang in which my hometown of Bandar Baru Bangi is part of. The opposition in one of the General Election nearly topple the government, however just by a few seats they failed to do so. In retaliation and to preserve their hold on power the opposition leaders is accused of various crime, and charged in court. Of course the charge is politically motivated and as an opposition senior leader, I did not escape the wrath of injustice either.
I will be accused of corruption and because of my playboy ways during my younger years, they also accused my of rape although in did not do such a thing. I was of course charged and sent to prison were I'm am tortured, my business is nationalised after the government conspired with other shareholder and management to do so. So here I am late-30s, in prison all alone, emotionally destroyed, physically just like the Malay proverb "nak hidup segan, nak mati tak mahu", all the things that I worked for disappeared in to thin air nothing to live or die for.
When everything seem to be falling apart and I'm holding on to a thin cloth to continue my survival, I will meet a woman, that will inject the necessary determination to live on in my heart. She happens to be my friend from the past who is my faithful supporter, that I helped a lot in my capacity as a YB and businessman. I will fall in love with her as with nothing in live left, love is the only thing I've got. The feeling is mutual it seemed after she kissed me and ask me to fight on. We of course got married and even though we can only see each other during visiting hours, our relationship flourished.
It is then I figured that I must fight in whatever ways possible to free myself and have a family with her while recommitting to the cause of justice after feeling the pain of injustice. Wow that all for now, as the present thought of a law test coming up brought me back to my present life, as a student in INTI college, not some political warrior fighting for justice for my countrymen. Well on a final note even though I'll end up that way, I will still be happy as I dared to chase my dreams no matter what, how many people can lay claim to such a statement, not many, so I guess I'm unique in a way, and who knows a happy ending may just be around the corner. What a live, I'm looking forward for that, well not so much the prison part but the business, politics and of course love when that's the only thing that you have in the end, it will become the purest of love. Can't wait for me to be in that future, certainly more interesting than where I'm now.
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14 Feb: Today couples a...
3 weeks ago
Apa ni, kalau kau masuk penjara mesti kau menangis sampai jadi gila, bab tu kau x ceta pulak,gf kau pun x nak kahwin dengan kau, apa punya visi ni.