First of all I will like to say congratulations to Tan Sri Khalid for showing courage by admiting that the car and cows irregularities do indeed took place. That shows the honesty of the guy which is lacking in the former MB. Right I hope that if the action is indeed wrong then the practice should stop. It shows that the PKR led government is commited to running the state in a transparent manner in line with their manifesto promise. Unfortunately the federal agencies run by the federal government are not as transparent as the Selangor state government. Not only that they are not transparent they are also used as a political tool by the BN. The seperation of politics from the function of these bodies must be done.
I would like to highlight the MACC action in revealing that they have strong case against Tan Sri Khalid. It is unprofessional as it prove the double standard of the commision. The wrong doings of the past Selangor adminisration such as the arwah Mat Deros palacial mansion is just treated with a blind eye. Although it is a past case, the Rakyat rights have been taken away. What about the documents that when missing, how about that, or the case of land suppose to be for the ordinary citzens, given to VIPs. Justice must prevail , so I want the MACC to have a case against the past Selangor government. It is impossible if no wrong doing is found as there is a lot of malpractice by the past government. Just go to the PKNS officers and you will know what I mean. Check the past land transfer or land status of supposedly PKNS land which is meant for ordinary people and you will know what I mean.
Then the is the missuse of the police force. The rally which is suppose to be peaceful was greeted by FRU personel where as UMNO's many racist rally, were not. To me the UMNO rally that called on the malays to fight against those who are challenging their rights when the real fact is no one is challenging the Malay rights should be dem malicious and seditious therefore in all fairness those involve should be detained under the ISA. Such case is the recent Karpal Singh declaring that he would sue the sultan which led to such UMNO rally. First of all Kapal is merely excersising his rights as the constitution allows it. Who amend the constitution to allow such act, it was UMNO remember. I personally disagreed with Karpal's action as the Perak state constitution clearly states that it was based on the sultan discretion that the asembly be disolve or not and the sultan acted by not allowing the disolutions of the assembly as requested by the MB which is clearly the sultan right to do so. However the amendment of the constitution allows Karpal Singh to do so. The ISA had been used to detained the leader of HINDRAF for being seditious but not the many UMNO racist statements that is more than seditious.
Finally it is time for the Rakyat to oppose this practice as the welfare of the Rakyat are on the line. Any government missdoings can be cover up but not the opposition. The rakyat deserve to know where the government is taking them to, destruction or prosperity. Therfore I'm calling for the people to demand the separation of this agencies from politics and for the government to be more transparent in the running of this agencies. These agencies are meant for the welfare of the Rakyat not as a tool to crush opposition to gain political milleage. If the people make such call and impose it's will on the government, then Malaysia will be a far better place than it is now.
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