Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Future Direction of this country.

I am sitting here and wondering in a state of loneliness, in all the politicking that had happened thus far since March8, are we forgetting something while we bicker about issues such as the medium of teaching for Science and Mathematics, the innocence of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and so on, that our future generation has been forgotten in this debate as we get to fixated with the present.

It has been said that a politician is the one that thinks on how to win the next election, a statesman however thinks about the future generation. Therefore it is essential for Malaysians to call for it's politicians to behave in a statesmen manner.

A lot of populist policies have been advocated by politicians across the political divide that sound good on the short term but are damaging the country in the long-term. Such actions to my view are the liberalisation of the economy and the scraping of the use of English language in the teaching of Maths and Science. The move of course will please some section of the society but in the long run the country overall will suffer, as the language nationalist and others jubilate their victory.

I think that Malaysians must equip themselves with the necessary knowledge to begin the necessary scrutiny of such populist policies before we are misslead by emotions that witheld us from making compelling changes that is beneficial for the country in the long-run, so that our children and grand-children can benefit from our decision. As the problem facing our country get increasingly complex, the deep understanding of the issues affecting or country is the one way we can become good citizens and help this country overcome it's problem whether actively or passively.The future generation is counting on us, and just like the past generations that have given us so much, we must now do the same.

On a final note I hope the voters in Manek Urai can identify sincerity of the ruling coalition on their claims that their welfare is their out most concern. If that is the case, then the ruling party shouldn't stop investment from flowing into the state and help the poor in Kelantan by giving them the necessary aid, and not punish the people of Kelantan for being loyal to the opposition by letting it suffer from poverty and lack of development just because they exercise their democratic right as citizens by voting against the ruling coalition.

So the wisdom of the voters in Manek Urai will be watched closely. I certainly will.Let hope that the rural people of Maneek Urai will show that they are mature enough to make the right decision and surprise those who underestimate their maturity and judgement.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pembangunan berlandaskan Al-Quran dan Sunnah
Al-Quran dan Sunnah merupakan sumber utama yang digunakan oleh para pemerintah Islam sejak beribu tahun dahulu semasa pembentukan tamadun Islam. Malah Rasulullah S.A.W sendiri semasa menjadi pemerintah di Madinah menggunakan Al-Quran serta Sunnah sebagai rujukan dalam melaksanakan pentadbiran. Hal ini kerana Al-Quran dan Sunnah mempunyai pelbagai perkara yang melibatkan hal duniawi dan akhirat. Contohnya perkara yang melibatkan pentadbiran, Al-Quran sendiri secara terang menjelaskan undang-undang yang wajar dan fleksible untuk dilaksanakan. Bukan itu sahaja, etika mengenai nilai-nilai yang harus diterapkan dalam membentuk pembangunan juga disebut di dalam Al-Quran dan Sunnah. Selain itu, pembentukan sistem politik yang bermoral dapat dibuat oleh tamadun Islam yang menggunakan sumber Islam yang agung ini. Ekonomi yang seimbang dapat dihasilkan menerusi sumber-sumber ini. Sistem sosial yang bebas dari pengaruh fikiran manusia yang mempunyai agenda sendiri dapat dibentuk. Di sini kita dapat melihat bahawa Al-Quran dan Sunnah merupakan sumber yang paling lengkap dan sempurna dari aspek politik,ekonomi serta sosial kerana dalam membentuk pembangunan sesebuah negara.
Jika menurut prespektif Islam Al-Quran dan Sunnah merupakan rujukan yang unggul tetapi berlainan pula bagi barat. Menurut prespektif barat, mereka lebih cenderung dalam menggunakan akal fikiran semata-semata. Malah ramai cerdik pandai,cendekiawan serta sarjana barat yang merupakan penasihat kepada pemerintah barat menolak menggunakan sumber dari kitab mereka sendiri sebagai rujukan kerana mereka beranggapan kitab hanya menekankan aspek agama semata-semata. Hal ini disebabkan mereka lebih mempercayai idea-idea sarjana dan pemikir seperti Karl Marx dan Adam Smith dalam aspek politik,ekonomi serta sosial. Mengambil contoh Karl Marx misalnya, beliau merupakan pengasas komunis yang berasal dari Jerman di mana kita dapat melihat pada hari ini negara barat seperti Rusia yang mengamalkan sistem komunis.